Breathe again.
I can hear the buzzing of silence.
It moves from across my right to my left. It throbs like the pounding chest of a lover.
And like the lover, I struggle to breathe deeply.
In this silence, I am naked, as is the lover.
So many of me, but the lover only one.
Breathe again.
The screen of my eyelids contract - dancing patterns of flame I see
There are so many of me - wailing, trailing, despairing
But my lover I can see - like a beacon in the storm
that keeps me going:
One lover of mine, and thus
just one of me.
Don't let me fly my lover:
but make my thoughts soar high,
circle the clouds, flutter around and then
quietly perch upon the branch that is your arm:
sturdy as ever
Keeo me forever grounded, for
this is where I belong.
Give me, my lover, the courage,
like the shoulders of yours give my ailing heart,
to be true to me, and you
for we are one.
To be here, foot on ground
head held high,
thoughts playing in the breeze of joy.