It is not an MIT or Princeton or a UC - its Maine University - the last university whose decision was pending - It came on 21st March, a month before my birthday - They want me.
Its a journey that began 2 years back - a journey to study Maths : A journey that brought in contact with Ayesha - a fellow traveler along the same route. Our fates were entangled, and so were our lives. Today, both of us hold an offer letter to the same University.
The first things that crossed my mind when Ayesha called me to tell us we both got offers from the same University - I do not remember - I was sleeping after having meds for cold and fever. But I am sure it was disbelief.
Later on - its significance dawned - half way across the globe were a set of mathematicians who reviewed our applications and deemed us fit not only for studying maths but also for teaching maths.
We have both faced the same questions - Why Maths ? More so for Ayesha - Why Maths after a masters in Economics ? Most institutions in India deemed her ineligible - because the criteria for education is degree - not passion.
Individually, we dreamed the dream to study maths : together, we dreamed the dream to study maths together - today is the first step towards that dream. What the future holds, no one knows - it was not an easy journey so far - it was, but, a fulfilling one - a remarkable one, it will not be an easy journey hence.
But, at the bottom of it, is the Universal language - The language of dreams - spoken in soft corners of the mind and seen in the crevices of the shell that breaks through to light.
Dream On