Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Hot Dog

It's like a punch to the gut
only no blood to spill : 
Its all curdled up in 
my bitterness of being.
It's like a kick to the shin
only no bone to crack : 
its mashed in to pieces
under the weight of my dreams. 
I am a hot dog of well wishes
mashed hope and pureed pain
burn me in desire ; feed them-
my death must not be in vain. 

Monday, 14 December 2015

Unfortunate ?

To be worthy of self loathe is also
worth something : 
I learnt this today
as I did the day before,
To be worthy of nothing,
is truly unfortunate.

To end once existence
by choice, is sad indeed
not just for the dead
but for the dying around them.
But to have no will to die or not,
is truly unfortunate. 

Truly unfortunate it is, 
to possess such a beautiful thing :
as life, and pass it by
as you would
the beggar on the street
across your house. 

Truly unfortunate is
this drudgery in spite of 
much worthy beings would, perhaps
do justice to 
my worthless being. 

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Not there, not here

I went to many places and many
came to me
but none as lasting
upon my mind
as the dark corners
where I heard what
I could see.

Much far have I roamed
within the sphere of
my mind,
yet I have not reached
there, where lies
what I seek or 
here, where lies
what I have.

This curse, 
and blessing
at once
is maddening;
to be here 
and not
to be there 
and not.
Image Courtesy : Google Images

Life Through A Smoke Screen

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