Monday, 27 June 2016

How will I ever sing again ?

I missed a beat
sometime back
drowned in
the noise
of "oh this and that".

How will I ever sing again ?

Monday, 21 March 2016

Sky and day

“You die, but
I bleed”
says the sky 
to the day. 
Such is their love:
the day does not need
the sky,
to be.
Neither does the sky 
Yet they are
and aren’t we glad ?


Saturday, 12 March 2016

Thoughts impinge

Thoughts impinge like bullets
on glass -
hard enough to spread the web
of hatred
but not enough to shatter you.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Was it me ?

A leaf fluttered behind me in the snow
casting a shadow of a cloaked giant
Was that me ?
Sneaking up to stab myself
and rob me,
of what was mine
and yet was not. 

Sunday, 7 February 2016


If I could sculpt
I would carve
from my brain
these thoughts.

Suck out the pain
re-inject it
in that part,
and call it me.

And you would ask,
do I love me ?

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Laugh or Cry, Laugh and Cry

It must hurt for the words to flow 
and burst through
the dense foliage
of hatred.
Is your love round-up ready ?

The sniffles sound
like drills in my heart : 
tears, oil it spills
igniting my despite.
A snake eating its tail ?

There is no escaping the silence, as there is no escaping death.
Dancing between notes of life, the lingering pauses sum:
somehow, the void always adds up to more than the rest-
Are we something made of infinite nothings ?
Or are we nothing, and thus everything ?

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

when you were young

When you were young, 
you had a song
and a fight - 
a need to get things done
You had nothing but now
to live for
the past was a dream 
as was the future.
When you were young
you had a baton:
you were  a baton. 

Life Through A Smoke Screen

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